...from another blogger, here: http://flockmother.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/be-do-have/
It keeps spinning around in my head, because our family is so clear.
I'm an eagle - I LOVE organization, having plans (though they can be tossed aside, I'm happier to start with one), making lists, big on loyality and sticking with something
Brian is a turtle - definitey easy going and empathetic, needs to have his own space/time as part of the schedule in order to feel good, likes to avoid stressful emotions unless it's made clear that it will be better on the other side
Fiora is a lion - loves being competent, does enjoy feeling like she's in charge
(And the dogs and cat?
Catterpault, naturally, is a lion/turtle (what a combo!).
Coya is chameleon with some lion thrown in.
Nimbletoes is a lion/eagle)
This reminds me of when I was sitting in my chiropractor's office about 11 years ago, and found a big tome about astrology next to me. I couldn't figure out why I enjoyed looking at it so much at first, but then it gradually sank in that it was so much fun to appreciate DIFFERENCES in people as interesting and worthwhile. At that time in my life, I had a really hard time appreciating how differently other people approached things (which thankfully has improved). In the recent past, Bri and I have had to work out the fact that we approach things differently, so this is obviously still something I'm working on, and today's little exercise adds yet another layer of clarity.
In addition, for some reason I'd assumed that Fiora would be like one of us (she is in other ways, like how transitions are hard for her...and that particular realization about transitions may have put me on the path of looking for us in her), so it's also a nice dose of clarity to see that, at least right now, she has quite a different personality from her parents!
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7 years ago
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