This just feels good! I love the idea of having the assignment to find things I appreciate about every member of our family. It kindof reminds me of the movie The Secret (which is a bit hokey but has some great points), where they mention that gratitude is a really powerful tool to use to bring good stuff into your life.
This is DEFINITELY something I could use at work. I thank people periodically, but it can feel kindof hokey to thank them for doing their job. Somehow, appreciating seems somehow more appropriate and hence more powerful.
To practice, today I appreciate that Fiora was very gentle when she washed my face with her wet rag, and I also appreciate that she asked first. I felt really loved and respected.
And I appreciate that my husband went into Fiora's bedroom when she was screaming tonight and calmed her with a few words and soothing sounds. He did this after a long day's work, and too little sleep last night.
I appreciate that Coya really threw all her energy into playing the fetch game today with her purple bunny, that she joined us with all she's worth.
I appreciate that Nimbletoes showed some real self-control around the cat tonight out in the car port, and even chose to walk to areas where he wouldn't be right next to the cat (even though he was obviously interested in the cat and was off-leash).
And I appreciate that vicki showed up so full of energy and passion to communicate her message after a long weekend for her!
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