So cool. I haven't been able to stop myself from mentioning here and there how Fiora's (and our) problems with transitions have become more and more transparent, now that I know to look for them. And I think it has really helped Brian and I work together as a team better. Today, even though we are all three sick with yet another upper respiratory virus and felt lousy and tired, and even though we left to do our big monthly shopping way later than is ideal, we were both pitching in to give Fiora acceptable choices that helped her stay in a positive place (capable). I even got her to help us do some of the shopping, which she's never really done before (capable and content). And she helped us unpack some when we got home. I guess the thing that strikes me the most is that my husband actually seemed much less stressed now that he has some sense of how Fiora enjoys doing things (when she's not helping, she much more the wild child!).
Giving her choices and asking for her help are the biggest things for helping her get through transitions that she doesn't want to enter. When she started screaming at naptime (mama's dictum), I asked if she wanted to help pull her blinds down, and man, she really pulled herself together to do that! It was such an obvious struggle for her to overcome her sense of being upset at not being able to choose what came next in her day, but she is so thrilled to do things that SHE worked to overcome that emotion. I would've never guess that it would be SUCH a powerful tool to let her DO and learn things!
She is awfully capable. :)
How Does Less is More Parenting Differ from Permissive Parenting?
When parents hear me advocate for using duct tape to control their words
and actions as parents, they naturally ask me: What’s the difference
between a L...
7 years ago
You made my day. Thanks for letting me snoop into your life. Remember this powerful lesson. This is a girl who is going to need to live on the edge. Prepare thy self - you are in for the ride of your life and it is a ride that will provide one memory after another. It's the bomb baby.