Wow, a lot more firsts for Fiora today! (Maybe it's just her age? But this approach sure isn't hurting....)
- She took off her coat and boots on her own when she got home today...
- used chopsticks to eat some cereal this morning (not such a useful skill, but still one she was exploring!)...
- when there was a spill that I wasn't all over cleaning up, she stepped in to clean it up herself (giving her space really works! plus having a rag nearby doesn't hurt) and did a really thorough job...
- she took the initiative to feed the dogs her leftovers after dinner (before I always "gave permission" or gave a suggestion..though it's only taken 2-3 of those to get to this stage) and didn't spill any (she has to pour it into the dog bowl)...
- she hates putting on her pajamas (loves the pajamas, hates putting them on!) because its a sign that bedtime is coming. BUT, tonight, I decided to invite her to put on her pajamas on her own (I ended up still helping), and her attitude brightened a lot just with that one little thing - who knew?
- when she was screaming how she didn't want to go to bed, I first acknowledged her desire and feeling, and then started talking about the signs of sleepiness (things seem harder to do, etc.), and she really DID start to settle down. I know that may not sound like much, but it led to me feeling like I was inviting her to learn a skill, the going to sleep skill, instead of just putting her to bed, and it was a nice feeling.
- and when I cleaned the table for her because she had brought a book to the table, i think she seemed a bit miffed!
Can I just say I LOVE THIS!!!!
How Does Less is More Parenting Differ from Permissive Parenting?
When parents hear me advocate for using duct tape to control their words
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between a L...
7 years ago
Oh, and brushing mama's hair.... :)