Roadmaps. I used the idea of roadmaps, after gathering with some other moms to talk about PonTrack and after reading about summer planning meetings, to make a roadmap for the autumn. It's great. I love having some of the things I'm interested in doing written down and within a timeframe. It's great to look back already and see what things I've prioritized enough, or were easy enough, to have already happened. I love feeling like I'm at least sortof on track, and I like seeing what hasn't happened yet, figuring out why, and deciding what my next step is going to be.
Roadmaps for Fiora. I've vaguely increased what I'm asking Fiora to do, after DNSN#2. Mostly this means asking her to pick up her dirty laundry, or noticing it on the ground and asking her where it belongs - we'll have to move on from there. When she's tired/cranky, it's MUCH less likely to happen (but that's true for her mama, too, so it's hard to get too bent out of shape about it). Dish cleanup from the table is better, though she still resists at first most of the time - wonder why that is? First thing that comes to mind is that often I'm not good at treating acts/choices/others/self like they/we that's next on MY goal list. I tend to think of them as important to do, but not like, how do I say this, there is intrinsic value in doing them...well, we'll see how that works out.
Encouragement. The other day I was filling out a form for a photography session, and there was a question about how I would describe my child with just one word. "Cute." Dang, she's friggin' cute. But that seemed a very Disney, bland answer, so I was looking at her and searching for other fabulous words that would describe her, not saying anything...and she looked up, said "I love you, mama, and my baba" - rarely does she do something like that, and it reminded me of the power of just positive beliefs!
Buttons. Being late and lost - that has been so well conquered, several times I've been one or the other and been surprised at how it was okay. Gods, I love that! The other day, though, we were late (DH was slow) and lost (my trouble) and I let myself get cranky - but it was definitely a choice - not a good choice, NOT good role-modeling, more punishment for DH not being on-time (ouch! I hate writing that!) - and I regret it. I don't think it did anything beneficial, Fi didn't want to get her picture taken, and I could've just told him afterwards that it really bothered me and been much more grown up about it, and probably more productive. *sigh* The lovely thing about buttons is when they're gone, not so much finding them which is SO embarrassing.
Enough for tonight! Missed posting, this felt good.
How Does Less is More Parenting Differ from Permissive Parenting?
When parents hear me advocate for using duct tape to control their words
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7 years ago
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