Wow, feels like the last few days things have really fallen together.
Tonight at dinner, I piped up about helping Bri set the table (he was cooking). He did the plates, I was getting drinks, and Fiora was excited about dinner and got herself a fork. I asked her if she would get forks for us, and then Bri repeated the question (when she seemed distracted), and she said "Yes!" and proceeded to get us some fabulous spoons. I love how proud she was, and how intent on the feat she was doing for us. She pointed it out to me, and I said, "Great! now how about some forks?" "Ohhhh..." and she proceeded to get us some forks, too. I was so impressed with her ability to help us. Brian tried to correct her early on (spoons versus forks), and it might have worked if he hadn't been so tired and a little edgy - as it was, she chose to ignore him, and it worked out fine. In fact, she tried eating her pasta with a big spoon (and presumably discovered how difficult it was - we'll see if she gets spoons again next time).
She also chose to join us for used to "push my buttons" a little that she didn't want to join us, to hold hands, but I've been able to let that go more and include her (in my heart) in the blessings anyway, and yet it was such fun to have her join us.
We're just getting better together. Tonight she wanted to play with my Lush face cleaner, and instead of getting frustrated about noodling, I said we could do that after brushing our teeth. And I meant it. We had a good time playing and cleaning our skin for a big 5 minutes. I even wet towels for her to rinse herself off with, and restrained myself from helping for a little while - she mentioned how she cleaned herself off - again, proud of how capable she is! We both are.
Tonight she showed me two things I hadn't realized: she found our yummy and newly ripe cherry tomatoes in the garden (and proceeded to gobble them up - and just 6 months ago she wouldn't eat a tomato!); and there's a hole in the bottom of our food processor pusher-bit. Who knew? This last she discovered when she insisted on helping to wash dishes after dinner! I was so enjoying her help at setting the table that I let her help wash - even though it was past her bedtime pretty seriously. Again, we had a good time. She voluntarily brought her plate in the from the dining room table (never done that - we only ask at breakfast as a rule) - I knew it was going to be a mess (plate full of spaghetti with pesto and the water she poured on it), which it was in two locations - one I put a towel on, the other I handed her a towel for, and we cleaned up. It was okay. The plate and spaghetti DID make it into the sink!
She really wanted to go back to the garden to pick the tomato plant clean,but I managed to entice her with my argument for checking the tomato plants on the deck. Where we found 2 more - whoo hoo! (Especially the black cherry tomato, I've been waiting for that one!!) However, her desires were clear to her, and she ended up going BACK out front to the garden and picking that tomato plant clean after all. DH was a bit irritable with her, but I hadn't told her she couldn't do that, I'd just distracted her, so I couldn't be angry at her. And she did eat them all!
Tonight we snuggled and she told me about her day (mixed up with the story I'd just read her). When I moved to leave, she asked me to stay, and I ended up giving her a big hug and telling her I love her...and then remembering the Four Big C's, I told her how much she counts, and I was able to really mean it with all my heart (for at least a few seconds)...she gave a big sigh, and rolled over, ready to sleep on her own
Some days are so beautiful it breaks my heart.
Thanks Vicki as always for helping us find our way here.
How Does Less is More Parenting Differ from Permissive Parenting?
When parents hear me advocate for using duct tape to control their words
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between a L...
7 years ago
This is beautiful. I feel like I'm not giving up enough. I read all of you ladies REALLY taking a step back and I see how little of that I am doing. Thanks for the inspiration! You are miles ahead of me but I will keep working towards my goals. Thank you for this beautiful story.
ReplyDeleteOh, Sarah, thanks so much! I felt kindof bad about not being able to hold how dear she is to me for longer (at bedtime), was thinking about how scary it actually feels to do that for long (for me), and how precious it is to do it for even a few seconds, and how proud I am of that even though I wish I could do it for whole days at a time!
ReplyDeleteBut one of the hardest things for me has been stepping back and at the same time caring and encouraging and connecting from somewhere, ideally without saying much at all. Good luck, we learn so much from these fabulous kids!
Isn't it amazing when we can actually, truly let go? Wonderful story. Love the inspiration of the 4 C's at the end of the day.
ReplyDeleteI so get what you're saying about holding onto the sense of how precious she is. (And yes, overwhelming when I am able to sit with it.) It's like bliss when it happens for me.