I can't quite articulate it, so this post will be way short, but just being aware of how my belief of lack of community was present, I've found myself standing in different places. It's like, I'll be with Fiora or a friend, and suddenly realize I don't feel connected, and that sparks me to remember that belief about lack of community, and that must push me in some way to wonder what it would be like without that, and then a little spark happens...a warm little spark. I quite like it. I don't "own" it, it's not habit, but its happening!
On another note, we had family meeting yesterday...and due to recent family meetings, I thought Fiora would just wonder off. But instead, she ran to get the harmonica to start the meeting! And then she even handed it off to me to play...I don't quite get that from my power girl, but it was great to see how proud she was of taking the initiative to get the music maker! (Makes me glad I forgot!) I'm sure it didn't hurt that (a) we had just finished dinner so we were all three at the table anyway; and (b) I promised ice cream after family meeting for all who stayed. It was great! Fiora got her allowance for the first time in months, I think. (It's now sitting on the cedar chest, completely unloved and unclaimed.)
Thanks again for all the comments on the last post - amazing how that helped me feel a community right here, growing right from what seems like such a big gap in who I am.
Gotta walk the dogs on this hot steamy night, all be well!!
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