Thursday, December 23, 2010


Last night was family meeting. Yet again, I'd been feeling tired and hadn't prioritized making some neat tags of paper or popsicle sticks or whatever to pull out of a hat or a pile, so I just piped up and named a few rooms. I sortof assigned Fiora the bathroom randomly then, me the dining room, DH the kitchen. Then I asked Fiora is she wanted something else, but she wanted (!) the bathroom. Cool. Didn't feel like we'd really talked about the whole thing enough, even though I've said a sentence or two about it for the last month or two.

This morning after breakfast, when Fi wanted to watch Wiggles, I told her we had to do contributions first, and I got busy cleaning the dining room table and chairs, the floor underneath (didn't take that much time...! Yes, I'm contribution challenged, too!). Then I announced it was time for the bathroom, and Fi cheered (!), ran into the bathroom, opened the closet, and grabbed the toilet brush with joy (! wow, what a world this is!). Then she happily plunged it about in the toilet. I told her how to dry it off by tapping it on the edge of the toilet, which she did. Then she announced, "we need water!" and she pointed to the very top shelf of the bathroom closet where the big container of white vinegar is kept. WTH!?!? Did i mention that I'm contribution challenged? She may have seen me use that once, MAYBE twice, in recent history. I am floored.

I asked what else needed cleaning, and she didn't say anything - finally stated that she needed a bath, so I suggested cleaning the tub. Excitement! So we cleaned the tub together (it's big, that's my excuse for helping, plus it was the first time, plus _I_ was excited), then she took a bath.

This is way cool. She has so impressed me today.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gratitude (IV)

Still practicing...gratitude that DH is holding his own, has his inner peace still, despite lots of pressure at work (AND Harry Potter's last book being much darker than he wanted!!)....gratitude that despite a frustrating lack of sleep, I haven't much lost my composure, and when I have, at least I've wondered if there might have been a way not to, despite the lack of sleep.
Gratitude for my late night, cold-biting air walk with the always grateful dogs, the dark night sky, the Christmas lights of neighbors making deep nighttime dog walks unthreatening despite the possibility of ice on the road
Incredible gratitude that I got to see Fiora pick up ALL THE BANAGRAMS, just because Bri mentioned that they needed to be picked up (!!), and that she was in a good space for doing it :) - love that!
Gratitude for all the good meals I haven't mentioned yet this weed (ie, gratitude for good, tasty, healthy food!!) - tonights garlic pasta, and organic roasted potatoes with butter, and egg nog for dessert (not actually enhanced really by the addition of rum, I think)...for cabbage rolls that were so tasty Fiora ate 2 of them (!)...
For a client who was able to be truly grateful, despite the difficulty for her in being so (indepnedent woman), for the gift of services she could not afford - that was a such a gift for her to give me
Gratitude that the salt lamp I bought because it sounded cool and because I could may finally be the answer to Fiora's night light
Gratitude for the recent spate of good movies, after a dearth of good stories in my life: Funny Girl with an amazing Barbara Streisand, Cheaper by the Dozen (not as good as I'd hoped, but fun to watch an old movie), How to train your Dragon (the gift of laughter), Veggie Tale's fanciful tale of St Nick seen with Fiora, looking forward to Despicable Me (lent by the same staff member)
Gratitude for hot tea on cold mornings
Gratitude for wood coming tomorrow for the wood stove
Gratitude for good timing on Christmas presents (!)
Gratitude for a cheap organic shirt found at Walmart (!)
Gratitude for Fiora showering us with kisses during blessing tonight, and last night
Gratitude that Fiora likes her comforter - for finally finding peace that our daugher is not freezing in her cold room
Gratitude for the time to sweep the family room and kitchen yesterday - a brief but welcome respite!
Gratitude for being able to clean the kitchen despite being tired and sleepy
Gratitude for the dogs always being so even keeled when I'm feeling tired and/or cranky
Gratitude for cold dogs waking me up the morning excited that it's so cold and/or snowy!
Gratitude to DH for not being amorning person yet being willing to get up early to shovel the steep driveway
Gratitude to our daycare provider for taking Fiora even when she's a bit sick
Gratitude to FCL CT for being such an inspiration of support for each other
Gratitude to Jenn for organic moisturizer that may have cured by winter skin
Gratitude to bikram yoga and the good instructors we have for helping me feel my back getting stronger and stronger
Gratitude to the pains I have letting me know where I still need work in my body
Gratitude to my boss for getting a cold laser and being generous with how we use it
Gratitude to the last patient I had today for giving me such a boost when his attitude improved so dramatically after treatment
Gratitude to all my clients for loving their pets so much and welcoming me into those good relationships
Gratitude to DH for being an inspiration about "moving the ball down the field"
Gratitude to my MIL for initiating conversation after some awkwardness
gratitude to my staff for only mentioning how terrible my hair looks in dry weather once and somehow gracefully getting out of that
Gratitude that I still have some chocolate rum balls left to eat before they're all gone
Gratitude that I got to share my favorite chocolate rum balls with friends and family and clients
Gratitude for bright letters from friends
Gratitude for frictionful places to walk on our nighttime walks
Gratitude that a friend offered her backyard as a walkway for me and the dogs anytime to get to the forest!
Gratitude for the beautiful pictures of Fiora we have, and that cheap Ikea frame makes them look so good
Gratitude for the meeting I needed with my boss, and her generosity with her time then
Gratitude for staffmembers that will make hours for me so I don't have to take vacation when it's freezing cold outside
Gratitude for a cat who let me pet him longer than ever before
Gratitude that my boss complimented my dining room rather than noticing the food all over the floor
Gratitude that DH wants to paint the rooms!
Gratitude that my rosemary hadn't died yet, so I could bring it inside
Gratitude that I found storm windows for our bow window, so maybe we can be warmer than we are!
Gratitude that I can go to bed now

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gratitude (III)

Today I feel gratittude about:

Fiora is coughing but only when lying down, really
Getting up at 6am was easy to do
The gingerbread (I finally made it!) is really tasty
Fiora helped me cut and decorate the gingerbread
Gingerbread dough has no eggs and is therefore pretty safe to eat raw
Brian is so on my team, and so good at sitting and not talking sometimes
Family meetings are happening once a week
Fiora put her own money away this week (into the purse, AND back on the shelf!)
How Fiora plays the family meeting harmonica (such clear tone!)
How Brian plays the family meeting harmonica (gamely!)
That I have an excuse to play my harmonica weekly :)
The peace that comes from walking the dogs twice in one day
The joy of toweling down wet dogs who love stuffing their heads into dry towels!
The joy of having wet dogs who wait their turn for towel drying!
The beauty and warmth of our new wood stove
Nimbus' ears are in pretty good shape, and I still plucked them (less ouchy to do it now)
Nimbus was patient enough to let me trim his nails, pluck his ears, and trim his face/feet/etc - which he is not terribly grateful for!
We had one turkey neck and one knuckle bone left to give the dogs on this rainy day with grooming involved
Fiora took a nice afternoon nap
Fiora gives me hugs, and holds my hand, and I also feel so loved from that
I watched an old comedy, and it wasn't terribly memorable but it brings my mind to light places anyway
I have oatmeal cookies, gingerbread cookies (yum!), and chocolate rum balls to distribute!
I have done most of my Christmas shopping (for once)
We met Sequoia's best friend tonight because I knocked on the door and asked if she could play
I managed to clean the kitchen, if not the rest of the house
Fiora picked up her clothes with a whoop to put them away!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gratitide (II)

This evening:
The company of my dogs, Sequoia's eternal inquisiteness and bouncy jaunty gait, Nimbus' responsiveness (all the more noticeable because he rarely deigns to look at me), the joy of a quiet night with no cars passing us, the soft night air without the sharp bitter cold of the last 2 days
Finding Fiora's binky w/o engaging in emotional baggage about not finding it first for a long time
Toothsome stuffed eggplant cooked by my husband
Tatsoi that was the tastiest I've made yet (not top notch lovable, but still improving)
Train ride on 1927 train car by a river
Seeing Fiora's joy and sudden star-struck shyness at seeing "Santa"
Fiora's cool-headedness at the store, despite trouble (will write more below, that's a PonT story)
Brian being good at taking the rec to nap Fiora this morning
Fiora taking a nap for a good long time prior to our Santa train ride
My small family managing to get in the car with some alacrity to GET to the train ride (though we were still the last ones on!)
The joy I take from the pictures of my family that i hung this morning
the joy of sharing Christmas light sightings and picking favorites on the way home from the train
the smell, taste, and crunch of oatmeal cookies!
the lovey relaxed feeling of getting to bed on time
The rediscovery of what movies make me laugh (the classics!), and a long list of comedies to watch

the finance success: asked Fiora if she wanted to bring her money, she said "yes.' (Which is new.) I mediated, got her little purse from the kitchen and put it on the table where she would see it. She got it when it was time to go, insisted on carrying it herself until we got to the car when she handed it to me for safe-keeping. After the train ride, we went to their little store, and Fiora wanted to get a Thomas-style train. However, they cost about 2x what she had. This was the first thing that upset her. Still, she found a book she wanted, and we found a sale box that had some binoculars she decided she wanted. Just as we got to the front of the line (she stood in line with me!!), I realized she thought the binoculars were a train - I made the point of clarifying, and she got upset, so we left the line. Some confusion in communication, but she eventually decided she DID want the binoculars and the book, so i told her we had to get back in line and she did quite gracefully. (I was impressed with the latter, but also that she was able to bring herself back from being upset to choosing to make a purchase she could make.) After another wait (she did wander a bit this time), we got up front and she handed up her stuff. It turned out that the binoculars from the sale box weren't supposed to be there and weren't really on sale, so I had to tell Fiora that the store made a mistake and she couldn't actually afford the binoculars today (I felt awful doing that, expecting her to be flexible enough to deal with this change! plus I'm SO not enjoying saying she doesn't have enough - I think I personally find it disempowering, and I gotta find another way to deal with money! Like, saying 8 is more than 4; this is too expensive for today? ). But she took it like a champ, commited to getting her book. And as we left, she said she wanted a train for Christmas! This is big for Fiora - every time she's wanted something in the recent past, she's made a big point that she wants it NOW, not any other time. So, cool to be there for that.

And she happily read the book on the way home, then read it to her little elf, and then read it again with her baba before bed. :) Happy purchase after all!


These next series of posts will be repetitive. Vicki just gave a webinar about gratitude, which was great timing because I was just starting to notice how my life feels too tight. Like I've chosen stress over openness. I was remembering how, as a kid, when times were really tough, I was so full of gratitutde when things got better. And it's felt...almost like I've forgotten how to REALLY do that, what it really feels like.

Vicki asked whether we want our kids to know the feeling of gratitude, whether it's a family value for us. And I definitely want to be grateful for my family, and more often! While I don't feel like I embody gratitude enough to say it's a true value for us, I am drawn to it.

So, there is homework. To write down stuff I'm grateful for each day to help keep me in this mindset, to give structure and definitude (ha, not a word) to the good spots in life. I was just using this today because I was SOOO tired and getting really bitchy with undeserving child, couldn't figure out how to get out (of the rabbit hole), and finally found that looking for the good spots of the recent days was really helpful.

Today (already, at 11am), I was and am grateful that:
I was awake enough to get up when Fiora was too restless to sleep at 5:30am
We had a quiet hour this morning and got to see the sun wake up together
I got to feel cold dog fur without having to go outside
I got to see a dusting of snow on the ground this morning
I got to mention footprints in the snow, and turn around to see Fiora with her shoes on and then hear the dog door swing shut after her!
Brian woke up and watched Fiora while I went to the transit station on my own, and I remembered the scrap metal!
I had enough time to successfully drop off clothing donations
i had a chance, and remembered, to go get Christmas tins for treats/cookies
Barney was not as terrible at all as I expected
I got to see fiora finally enjoy hot bath water! And see her enjoy cold water, too, even in the wintertime!
that Fiora had such a long, fun bath, and that she only played with lotions that were perfectly safe
That Fiora told me she had pooped, and that she cheerfully helped me clean her up
Fiora challenges me to find ways to encourage her work with laundry without just dumping it on the floor
Fiora challenges me to find ways to interact with rude noises - to play like Groucho Marx, to change the noise conversation, to
set boundaries at the dinner table
Fiora helped me by opening the new picture fram, and she asked before she opened it
I found time to put pictures in the new frame, and some old frames, and hang OLD but lovely pictures on the wall
We have LOVELY fresh organic farm eggs from outside hens, to make a yummy breakfast, plus pomegranate seeds...yum!
That we only do dishes once a day!
For FreeCycle, so stuff we can't use is a gift to others

It's a long list, but lots of it still feels pretty distant - embracing it will take more awareness and perhaps even some pretense to let my self open up to doing this gratitude thing. Listing is different from creatively considering....

By the way, fiora has been great at saying thank you and giving us kisses and hugs lately. Maybe she's inspiring me, too!